Advent 3 (2013)

Advent 3A soft pastelsThis images was created using soft pastels and draws on Matthew 11 as John the Baptist asks if Jesus is the one to come. The day before I worked with oil pastels and liked the image until I tried to be too detailed. This, then, is a response to reminding myself to keep it simple.

I started by creating John in prison by sketching the window shape and drawing in the bars. Then I added the hands and filled in the black. The adobe color walls were created by using the sides of my soft pastels and then blending with my finger. And, finally, the text was added with the square edge of the black soft pastel.

Advent 3A pencilsThis second image is in response to Isaiah 35 and builds on a art journaling concept of hiding secrets in plain sight. The ground was created by writing with watercolor pencils in various shades of brown. If you look close you can still seem some letters, but for the most part they disappear when water is added. I like using it for passages that indicate a reversal so I can write out my frustration and then add the hopeful element such as this (simply drawn) crocus in the desert from the passage.


Advent 3A markerAnd, finally, one I almost forgot that I did using markers. I wanted to stay with a blue color theme since the color of Advent is blue. Text is a curved version of Monoline. Zentangle pattern in the O is Fescu and on the A is Dragonair. I used a chisel-edge marker for “HOLY WAY” and the “?” and the medium size for “What is the.” The angled words are written using a brush marker and the really small writing and art elements used a very fine point.
I had a vague plan when I started, but added art elements and further questions or lines from the Scripture as it seemed appropriate.

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